One of the main objectives of the European Research project MIMY (EMpowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions) is to understand and support the dynamic and never-ending integration process of young migrants. A cornerstone in this is the involvement of young people with migration experiences in a peer researcher capacity. A just-released video clip, realised with the support of HAWK’s Faculty of Design, features the stories of two of the young peer researchers in the project, Efsane and Melda.
Efsane and Melda, who were born and raised in Germany, are the descendants of Turkish-born grandparents. In the video clip, they give viewers unique insights into their personal life stories and experiences growing up in Germany, talk about how their migration experiences shape their lives and sense of identity, and share their motivations for becoming MIMY peer researchers.
“Directly involving young migrants as peer researchers and through participatory research, we want to actually make their voices heard”, acknowledges Professor Birte Nienaber from the University of Luxembourg, who coordinates the MIMY project.
To follow Efsane’s and Melda’s journey and to watch the video, please visit the MIMY homepage:
About MIMY
The EU research project MIMY has set out to improve the situation of young migrants in Europe through a multi-level analysis of the related integration processes. Collecting qualitative and quantitative data and conducting case studies in various countries, the interdisciplinary consortium will analyse the social and economic effects of integration in order to derive evidence-based policy recommendations.
In involving young people with migration experiences, the MIMY project’s community-based research approach provides an opportunity for the peer researchers to form new friendships, expand support networks, and build knowledge that may enable change in their lives. Peer research does this by facilitating the participation of those who are often silenced in knowledge creation.