The aim of establishing a stakeholder platform in each MIMY case study country was to strengthen the potential of the research impact at multiple levels – local, national and supranational. The stakeholder platform built a sense of connection to the project, for stakeholders, including young people, who became collaborators in a learning journey and co-creators of pathways of change for young people, and impact for MIMY. Each country-specific platform fed back into the ongoing research project, learnt from the research findings, and drove impact for young migrants’ integration in the country context.
Key outcomes:
- Nine country-specific communities of practice and related bodies of knowledge were built within MIMY based on initial service-provision mappings of MIMY case study contexts. This led to country-specific databases which grew iteratively over the course of the project as new stakeholders were engaged.
- 266 targeted research interviews were undertaken generating knowledge with stakeholders in support of young third country national migrants’ empowerment and integration.
- 90 young people in leadership positions were engaged and interviewed as part of the MIMY research, and further 42 young people participated as peer researchers and youth stakeholders in the project.
- 32 focus groups took place with 142 people with migration experience who had lived in the local area for over 5 years to share lessons about integration learnt from the past.
- Stakeholders across these different levels and spaces supported the engagement and recruitment of young people into the project as research participants.
- A total of 114 local, national and international stakeholders from each platform participated in the Delphi study building bottom-up policy recommendations for European-level policy.
- The Migrant Youth research and policy Network was established to support youth engagement in European policy-making and was comprised of young people with migration experiences and youth workers.
- Nine local research and action workshops were held in total across eight MIMY countries, bringing together findings from each case study to develop local and national actions.
- 31 stakeholders from 11 countries participated at end of project conference in Brussels.
- Concrete follow-on activities are taking place across seven countries, and all partners are sustaining the relationships with the stakeholders involved with a view to building future collaborations.