MIMY Stakeholder Platform

Engagement of young people as stakeholders

To facilitate the meaningful participation of young people as stakeholders:

  • Invite young people to be a direct part of stakeholder platform communications and activities.
  • Embed the role of youth peer researchers within the stakeholder platform, so young people are involved as researchers and wider stakeholders.
  • Another option is to link a ‘Young People’s Advisory Group’ with the wider stakeholder platform, and develop opportunities for these platforms to come together in the project.
  • Young people can be reached as stakeholders through the work they are already doing within established youth organisations, councils and leadership initiatives.
  • Connect the stakeholder platform to these already established initiatives so as to support youth-led infrastructures that are already established.
  • Ensure that continuous feedback is given to young people about the impact and influence of their involvement so that it is not experienced as extractive.

(c) Smart Banda, Stand & Be Counted Theatre