On the 15th of December 2021 MIMY Team has officially started the Youth-informed MIMY Delphi Study.
The Delphi technique, rooted in social sciences, is a well-established approach used across various disciplines to answer a research question through the identification of a consensus view across experts from various fields (academics, policy makers, journalists, representatives of religious groups etc.). It allows for reflections among participants, who are able to reconsider their opinions based on the anonymised assessments and views of others (cf. Linston & Turoff 1975). A Delphi study is literally a virtual panel of experts who come virtually together without knowing their identities to arrive at an answer to a challenging question. Thus, a Delphi study could be considered a type of virtual meeting or as a collective decision approach (cf. Linston & Turoff 1975). In this MIMY Delphi Study we involve a virtual panel of stakeholders, both EU, national and local policy makers and policy users across MIMY partner countries and youth voices (mostly through migrant youth organisations). MIMY envisages two waves aiming to reach a consensus linked to migration/integration policy addressing young adult migrants and cataloguing indicators relating to integration of young adult migrants. In order to facilitate knowledge sharing and mainlining participant in the study between the waves MIMY Team is planning to organise a roundtable discussion with policy makers, policy users and youth voices.
Aims of MIMY Delphi Study
- To envisage practice-led policy addressing young (adult) migrants in vulnerable conditions;
- To make recommendations for policy relevant actors, both policy makers and policy users, contextualised and responsive to the unique realities of young migrants in vulnerable conditions;
- To deliver learning lesson experience to stakeholders; cross-context; learning opportunity informed by the relationship between practice and policy in a given context; to facilitate multi-stakeholder collaboration;
- To make a vehicle for European policy in relation to liquid integration/ living together/ migrant embedding;
- To recommend indicators for monitoring of migration and integration of young adult migrants.
Practicalities of MIMY Delphi Study
MIMY Delphi Study is being conducted by MIMY international Consortium funded under EU’S H2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 870700. In this study, participants are asked to complete an electronic survey, available in 6 languages.. The participation in this study is voluntary and participants are free to withdraw their participation from this study at any time. The survey should take only 30 minutes to complete. This survey has been approved by the Research Ethics Board. There are no risks associated with participating in this study. The survey collects no identifying information of any respondent. All of the response in the survey will be recorded anonymously. Information collected in this study will benefit the policy and practice of migrant integration and young adult migrants in particular. The participation in this study is important for co-creation of policy linked to migrant integration, and young adult migrants in particular. We appreciate participants’ involvement, time and cooperation.
Link to MIMY Delphi Questionnaire available in 6 languages (English, French, German, Swedish, Polish and Italian)