Throwback to MIMY final conference

The MIMY final conference took place in person in Brussels (and online) last 13-14 October 2022. This two-day long event was a great opportunity for the MIMY consortium to share the results of the MIMY project with young migrants and non-migrants, policymakers and stakeholders/practitioners involved in different countries. An interactive policy roundtable chaired by Birte Nienaber (Principal Investigator of the MIMY project) gave the following speakers the opportunity to share their views on policy perspectives and priorities for migrant youth in vulnerable conditions and triggered very insightful reflections:

  • Ronald Ramein Obura, peer-researcher involved in the MIMY project
  • Vincent Catot, policy officer at DG Home, European Commission
  • Tiziana Caponio, principal investigator of MIMY’s twin project WHOLE-COMM
  • Jamil Alyou, local practitioner from the German NGO Train of Hope Dortmund e.V. and interviewee as young migrant during the MIMY project

Participants of the final conference actively took part in hybrid workshops on working with peer-research, gender and intersecting inequalities in youth migration studies, effects on local actors and inspiring art-based sessions (Lego Serious Play, Digital Storytelling, Photovoice).

The conference ended with the vernissage of an exhibition of several art pieces (photo collages, photo series, short films etc.) created by young migrants during the numerous art-based activities held in Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, United Kingdom (England) during the last year of our project.

Do not hesitate to also check out the report on the final conference, available online in Spring 2023 here.

Discover some final conference moments below:


