Shots and stories of migration

Shots and stories of migration

The idea of the MIMY project was great. I was very happy to participate in this experience because it allowed me to add experience to my field in the video and film industry. I shot photos and videos for all stages of the project, and I wrote a storyboard to organize the montage stages. I could listen to histories of young people with a migration background living in Italy who have achieved a certain level of visibility and I got involved. During the art-based event I made several videos and captured some significant shots during the exhibition's explanation moments.

I made the video based on academic rules to shoot some shots to keep the scene balanced to show the formal work value of the project. This was based on previous experiences in the field of documentary, in addition to my master’s study in cinematography in Milan.

As a foreign Syrian student, the MIMY project helped me enter the Italian society and build relationships with friends, participants and trainers as well. I hope to get to participate in further research projects in Europe, so that we may continue connecting the world together. And one day future generations will be more connected and look more beautiful.


Photo of Boutros Sayegh
The authorBoutros Sayegh

This post is the result of reflections and experiences of the group of young peer researchers at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart of Milan, Italy. In the UCSC MIMY team, peer researchers have been precious; they became passionate about the activities, actively contributed, and provided an alternative point of view to the research team, influenced by their own migration experience.